My Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Qest4 Bioresonance machine
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a condition that I understand well
Unfortunately I suffered with CFS for nearly twenty years. It is debilitating and does not allow you to live the life that you want to lead. Somebody once described it to me as “you feel like your legs are made of concrete,” and I would agree that this best describes the extent of the debility that you feel. My fatigue journey started after I came down with glandular fever at the age of fifteen. I was never quite right after that. I felt lethargic and not my usual energetic, fidgety self. During my twenties, I managed to work in quite a physical, on your feet type of full-time job. I believe I managed it purely out of sheer determination. However, by the end of the day I was exhausted. I would be sitting at home staring into space, barely able to cook myself any dinner; it was pretty horrible. As a teenager, I had a Sunday job working in catering and everyone would go out after work. I found that if I got home and sat down, I wouldn’t be able to get up again: it was like being glued to the chair. So I would get home, get changed and go straight out and then at least I could be glued to a chair in a social setting and I was managing some sort of resemblance of a social life.
““Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), is a complicated illness characterised by at least six months of extreme fatigue that is not relieved by rest, and a group of additional symptoms that are constant for at least six months. In many people with chronic fatigue syndrome, the disorder begins suddenly, often following a flu-like infection or an episode of physical or psychological trauma. In other cases, chronic fatigue syndrome develops gradually. The illness lasts for many months or years, and only a small percentage of people recover full health.””
I have a huge amount of sympathy and compassion for anyone suffering with impaired energy levels. What I have observed are common themes in the way that people who suffer with CFS think and feel. I have often observed high levels of stress and struggles with life in general.
Where does it all start?
People who suffer with fatigue frequently push themselves too hard and become drained by their commitments and aren’t listening to their body and its needs. I am a firm believer that the way we think can severely affect our physical health. Negative thoughts about ourselves or others have an adverse effect on different parts of the body depending on the emotion we are experiencing. In Chinese medicine it is well known that anger resides in the liver. Having some awareness around our thought processes and their effect and having that inner knowing that we are in charge of them, it’s not the other way round. For the over thinkers out there it often doesn’t seem that way. Being kind and caring to ourselves is an act of self-love and how we treat ourselves is a reflection of how we treat those around us.
In my twenties I started to see a Homeopath. However, I’m never sure I talked about my tiredness as I thought everyone felt like I did. I just didn’t know any different. I believe that when you have never had good health it’s hard to know and understand what feeling healthy is like. It wasn’t until the birth of my second child that I began to think there was something quite wrong with me. During the first year of my daughter’s life I would come down with a cold and I would have a day or two of respite and then boom, another cold. It was during this time that I had decided to study homeopathy as I had been pretty blown away with it in my twenties. I had come to that crossroad after having children and decided that it wasn’t feasible to do what I had previously done as a job. Eventually, over time my fatigue faded away because I saw a homeopath regularly and received consistent care.
This is all history now and today I enjoy and experience a much more robust immune system and I can honestly say I rarely get sick and my energy levels are the best they have ever been. This has much to do with homeopathic medicine and also having the awareness about my own thought processes and being the kindest person I can be, to me.
Common symptoms of Glandular fever
Sore throat
Enlarged lymph nodes (glands), usually in the neck
Swollen tonsils
Common symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Lack of concentration
Joint pain
Muscle weakness
Sore throat
Gastrointestinal changes (such as nausea, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea)
Allergies or sensitivities to light, smells, touch, sound, foods, chemicals and medications
What is Bioresonance Therapy?
What I have found is that by adding the Qest4 bioresonance (formally known as Asyra) machine to my practice this has resulted in a quicker response time in my client’s energy levels. The Qest4 is a bioenergetic health screening system which has a multitude of tests that will literally ask the body questions and through a biofeedback system the body will answer the questions fired at it. It can be compared to a high-speed kinesiology session. The Qest4 machine calculates the information the body gives and then collates a comprehensive list of what the body requires to balance it at that time. Because I feel passionately about chronic fatigue syndrome, I have built a specific chronic fatigue test on the Qest4 bio-resonance machine. Once the Qest4 has finished all the tests it is then able to make up a bottle of energetic medicine which is client-specific. I am finding that because the medicine is finely tuned to the body’s requirements, in so far as, the Qest4 machine has calculated the exact potency of each energy within the medicine which the body readily accepts.
If you have had glandular fever and are suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, fibromyalgia or low energy levels then I would highly recommend a Qest4 bioresonance screening.
Angela Nicholson is a qualified Homeopath and Qest4 Bioresonace practitioner for more information about Angela go to