
How does it work? The Qest4 hand held device runs a circuit through the body and the machine fires thousands of questions through the device and receives its information via a biofeedback system. The Qest4 machine collates the information it receives via the skin’s resonance and calculates the required balancing items that are needed by the body for it to balance itself. While the machine is testing it is also balancing the body at the same time.

What can I expect during a first consultation? Firstly data is gathered about the presenting complaint and any relevant family health history, this usually takes up to half an hour. Then we run the required tests depending on what the issues are and what information the Qest4 supplies. Once the information is gathered the Qest4 is ready to make up your energetic medicine for you to take after the consult. You will also be sent a detailed report after the consult so that you have access to the information that came up during the consult.

How long does it take? The first consultation I allow 1.5 hours and follow up appointments are usually an hour.

What results can I expect? Everyone is an individual and as such everyone responds differently to the Qest4 and the energetic remedy. Some clients notice a difference within four hours and others have said five days. It depends on the chronicity of your condition, the complexity and nature of the condition and your sensitivity to energetic medicine.

Why is it compared to kinesiology? In kinesiology the practitioner will ask the body questions through muscle testing. The Qest4 machine asks the body questions via the held device and receives the answers through the resonance of the skin. The kinesiologist is able to ask the body one question at a time. The Qest4 machine asks the body thousands of questions in less than a minute.

What happens after the tests are run? After the testing is completed the Qest4 machine is ready to imprint your personalised energetic remedy.

What is in the energetic remedy that I have been given? The energetic remedy contains all the balancing items that the body requires to bring it back into balance. It is important that you take the remedy regularly after your consultation as this is when the body requires it.