Interpreting your report

For those of you that are keen to understand their Qest4 reports fully I have included a little information here to help you. 

If there is anything on your report you do not understand please contact me for clarification and for further information the internet is well worth searching. There is plenty of interesting information on pathogens and homeopathic remedies on many websites.

Dilution guidelines

The dilution of the balancing item can give you a little more insight in to any issues that have come up.

V-X potencies - This means the issue is on a physical level.

C-K potencies - C-K potencies generally indicate that it can be more of an emotional issue. If it’s a hormone then a C-K potency will regulate that hormone.

M Series potencies - Are very high homeopathic potencies and the balancing item will be working on the mental and energetic level. If it’s a hormone in a high potency it will act to decrease that hormone.